Sunday, September 27, 2009

Diapers = fail

We are giving up on the cloth diapers.

I know, we are big wimps intent on killing the earth and cloth diapers were fine for generations and we are too soft and sheltered to use them but I am just tired of dealing with poop.




Because now we are buying disposables in bulk like the rest of the babies we know, we get cool things like cardboard boxes.

Hello... what's in here?

What's that? We are going to get packages like this every month?

Seriously? Every month?


Noah is starting to really ham it up for the camera.

He is definitely doing it on purpose.

Why hello camera.

Yay camera!!!

Look camera, I have a box on my head!

Noah has also mastered the art of pulling up. He can get up basically whenever he feels like it.

And he knows it, and is proud of himself.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


We had some very exciting visitors today! Mima, Oopma, Christopher and Christian!

Noah loves playing with his cousins.

It is so neat to watch them interact. Noah can do a lot more now than the last time we visited, so the three of them can actually play together.

(With supervision, of course. There is often some grabbing of toys involved.)

Anyway, the cousins. Noah especially thinks Christopher is the COOLEST.




We all went for a walk to check out the playground.

Christopher impressed us all by great progress on the monkey bars

Oompa helped Noah sit on the the dolphin bouncer. Let's just say Noah was skeptical.

But he liked the jungle gym a lot.

You could tell it was a great day because by the end of it the entire family was sitting on the floor of the kitchen. If we're going to have more days like this I think we need a bigger kitchen.

Also, as should not be a surprise at our house, there was a giant zucchini

** Thanks to Oompa for some of the pictures!

Snoozing with Daddy.

I went to the grocery store and came back to find my boys like this.

I am a little jealous of the nap, to be perfectly honest. But the cuteness can't be beat!

Monday, September 21, 2009

He knows what he likes

I think we have discovered the ideal activity for Noah, where he can combine his love of music with his love of banging things against other things.

He played the xylophone for a good 15 minutes in the kitchen, and then when I tried to move him to the living room we had a total breakdown. Fists clenched, tears, grunting. Luckily he recovered, once he realized he could resume playing.

Other things about which Noah had opinions about today:
1. When it was time to stop walking around. The correct answer is never.
2. Whether baby chicken soup is for eating or for throwing. The correct answer is throwing.
3. Whether it is time to put him down. The correct answer is no.
4. Not really sure, but the plastic pizza slice offended him in some way
5. No I want daddy no I want mommy no wah wah wah no

I don't want to make it sound like Noah is overly cranky, he is not. It's just that he suddenly has his own agenda and opinions about what he wants, and cannot actually communicate that to us until after we screw it up.

After he finished refusing to eat dinner (which still blows my mind, because we offered him grilled cheese. GRILLED CHEESE!! Who refuses that!?) he had a lovely time playing in our unmowed lawn.

There are leaves in the lawn!

And grass!

Unfortunately, after fun in the lawn we went back to misery and woe, aka getting undressed for the bath. Then he loved the bath. Then he communicated to us how much he disliked getting dressed for bed. You get the idea...

Sunday, September 20, 2009

New meets old

Noah had a good time this morning playing with a box of old wooden spacers.

Turns out when you bang them together they make noise.

Look Grammy - I can even do it all by myself!

-- posted from the phone

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Noah loves his shoes

-- posted from the phone

L'shanah Tova

Today we celebrated Noah's first Rosh Hashanah. We went to services (no shaking hands or hugging allowed due to Swine Flu) and had a family dinner at Mom and Sue's.

In celebration of the occasion, Noah got his first apple (or rather, his first apple that was not pre-mashed).

We think he liked it.

Noah also got to play with a real Wisconsin cow. I think he's an animal lover.

There was plenty of good family time. He had a nice chat with Saba.

And thought Grandpa was hilarious!

While grandpa was hilarious, his chair provided another excellent source of entertainment.

Noah was also totally fascinated by an office chair (not pictured). He rolled it around for 5 or 10 minutes and then became very frustrated when it wouldn't do what he wanted. Of course, none of us could figure out what he wanted it to do, so eventually we just gave up and sent him back to Grandpa's chair.

It was a great day with family, and a lovely start to the year.

Happy 5770!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Now we're cooking

Noah loves his new play kitchen

Purchased as an alternative climbing place to the stove. He likes to pretend to wash dishes.

Those pants are a litte ridiculous, huh? We got so tired of everything being too small and may have overcompensated a bit...

Anyway the kitchen...

Noah would like to make you a snack

Or just show you what it sounds like when he hits his spoon on the fridge.

-- posted from the phone