Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Blog Catchup

So we've been a busy since last posting. We finished up our time in Boston, and Noah helped show his Duckie how to eat in the chair.

We then headed west to Tully for a lovely passover with the family. Noah raked in the goods, even though he didn't stay up late enough for the afikomen hunt.

On the way home Noah discovered the best rest stop activity since running around the rest stop, the boating video game.

Quarters not required for total toddler enjoyment.

Time for full throttle!
Not pictured: screaming when we suggested it was time to leave the video game or maybe he didn't need to keep running into the men's bathroom...

And then eventually, finally, we made it home. And mommy took Noah to the Y so he could bounce around in the ball pit and she could sit down.

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