Thursday, April 30, 2009

Back to work

Today was my first day back at work. It went fine - I am only working half days until the end of next week, and a half day just isn't very long at all. It is hard to believe my maternity leave is over already - I have really, really enjoyed it. Now on to the next thing!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Crazed Hippie Baby

What can I say? Apparently mornings are hilarious!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Summertime already?

It is HOT here today. This means that Noah gets to try out his shorts outfits. Also it means the windows are open, so the curtains are blowing around, which is apparently fascinating.

Though really, for fascinating the baby, nothing beats the hands.

Also, look at that first picture. I think he's growing balder by the day. :)

Monday, April 27, 2009

Home again

We had such a great trip to visit Sarah and Al.

And Noah was great again on the plane.

In summary, our baby is a traveling rock star, and he really enjoyed spending time with his Aunt and Uncle. Mommy and daddy had a great time also, and not just because they were able to get their fried cheese curd fix. Though that was pretty sweet. We heart Wisconsin.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Capitol Times

Aunt Sarah and Uncle Alex are teaching Noah all about Wisconsin.

So far, he's working on his cow sounds, and I would say making excellent progress.


Time for bacheloretting!!!

Last night was our opportunity to celebrate Sarah's impending marriedness. Neither rain nor more rain nor thunderstorms, nor the unfortunate closing of dairy queen at 9pm could dampen the fun!

Sarah has a really fun bunch of Madison girlfriends, and we had a great time playing silly games, eating delicious food, and hamming it up at a comedy show.

Sarah made it up onstage with the comic because she is WAY faster in her heels than the other bachelorettes. Also, cuter. And better dressed.

Also, drinks.

And because I am contractually obligated to post pictures of Noah every day, here you go!

Noah is wondering why he and Mr. Bear weren't invited to the party. He didn't realize the party was high heels manditory.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Da Plane! Da Plane!

Today was a very big day - Noah's first trip on a plane! We got up very early to hit the airport, then were off to Chicago!

Noah was really good on the plane. He fussed a little when we first got on (this made our fellow passengers a bit nervous), but ate and played and slept and two diaper changes later we landed in Chicago with really no trouble at all. We executed an expert sleeping baby transfer to baby carrier and booked it through O'Hare.

I am a little bit in love with our baby carrier. WAY better than strolling a baby through the airport. You can't dash up the stairs to grab a snack 5 minutes before your flight to madison while your baby is in a stroller. Also I don't think they let you wear the stroller strapped to your chest as you go through security.

Noah spent the trip to Madison sitting on Chad's lap and happily playing with Mr. Bear. I'd travel with him again anytime. Good thing, since we're doing it again on Monday.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Good morning sunshine!

Recently, Noah has been waking up in a great mood. We hear him cooing and squealing to himself in his room.

Then he's happy to squeal at us when we come to get him up.

It's pretty awesome. Considerably less awesome when he does it at 4am, but even then it's hard to be disappointed when hearing a happy baby.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I went to visit Noah at day care today and we spent a good deal of time playing with his favorite toy for the day: a large plastic stalk of asparagus.

What can I say? Maybe the kid will like vegetables?

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Another beautiful day, the day after our bbq. The petals keep falling.

We took the opportunity to plant our garden.

With Noah's supervision, of course.

"Hey mom, you missed a spot. Oh look - a leaf! Oh look - my hand!"

Saturday, April 18, 2009

First BBQ of the season

We had a beautiful day ad a pretty big crowd for our first BBQ of the season. It was just lovely under the tree.

Oh, did you recognize the kid in the hat in the previous picture? Yes, that's Noah, your gracious host, who looks about two years old in this outfit.

Well, a small two years old. Noah made lots of new friends, and was generally very happy to be held and bounced all afternoon. Clearly our friends are excellent bouncers.

Noah and I have been really enjoying our play dates with the other mommies and babies we know, and it was neat to get a chance to meet the daddies that go with these families.

Yay for spring! I can't wait for the next one!

Who says moo?

The cow!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Happy Anniversary

Yay for 5 years, yay for our lovely little life with our little house and our little garden and our little cats and our very very cute little baby.

How lucky are we? Seriously. Yay.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


A little decompression from a busy day at day care and the upstairs office.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Thanks to his new chair, Noah can play with his toy using his hands...

And his feet!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Fist vs. Mouth

Noah continues on his quest to fit his entire hand into his mouth...

Monday, April 13, 2009

Bear Rattle

Noah loves his teddy bear rattle.

Which is fun, because he really didn't notice it much before. But now he can purposefully grab it and play with it.

Mommy also likes the teddy bear rattle, because she can throw it in the washing machine when he spits up all over it. Not that that's been an issue, or anything...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Rest stops are astonishing

We had a lovely visit with family this week, and a quick getaway for our anniversary. Noah was pretty amazed by the rest stop on the way home...