Pay no attention to the lack of blog posts over the past 3 months. Thank you very much.
This past Sunday we went into the city for the St. Patrick's day parade. What a fun, bizarre day. First of all, the city of Philadelphia totally overlooks the open container law for the day. In the picture above, Chad and I are drinking beers (bought at a bar across the street, they gave us plastic cups for the occasion) with city hall in the background.
Because there are apparently a TON of Irish in the Philadelphia area, there were tons of troupes of step dancing girls. This I expected. I did not expect for many of them to be dressed up as clergy. I mean really. A dancing bishop? In every other troupe?

All I could think as these girls danced by is "honey, you realize you can't actually have that job, right?"
There were also plenty of catholic-themed floats. Featured below, a lovely float including clergy (who apparently all have Santa Claus -style beards), nuns, nurses, firemen and some catholic schoolboys at their desks.

The theme of the day seemed to be: Yay catholicism! Yay beer! Sounds good to me. There were lots and lots of happy people. We ended the day walking all the way across town for a free pint,
and then the train back to Ambler. Yay god! Yay beer!