Friday, April 27, 2012

Pictures from Purim

So a while ago, Purim happened.  We revived the costumes from last year, though Eva had to wear the "Thing 1" shirt this time.

Eva really got a kick out of dressing up like Noah - when we put the shirt on her she kept pointing at the "Thing 1" logo and smiling and strutting about.  It was pretty cute.

So Chad was the cat, Noah and Eva were thing 1 and thing 2, and I got to wear my regular clothes.  Because I dressed up as "the mother who was out of the house for the day."

Also because I am a genius. :)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Dew Fairy

And then, we went over to our friend's house, and Noah dressed up as the dew fairy.  And he started acting out the opera Hansel and Gretel, though he only knows the plot of that opera because it is featured in an episode of Curious George that he has seen approximately 30 times.

So I am not sure if I should consider him cultured or not.  Either way, hilarious.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Hello again

And there you have it, almost a month since the last update.  Man, life goes fast.

The job is going well, and very very very busy.  Chad's business is doing well, and keeping him very busy.  The kids are doing well, and very very busy.

Eva is running around like a maniac, she can color with crayons, decorate herself with stickers, and climb onto both the kitchen and dining room table.  She has probably 30+ words at this point, and several two-word phrases like "go play," "go car," "shoes car," "sit here."  She starts pre-school with Noah the week after next.

Cheese!  I'm a big girl!

Noah continues to astonish - both by how big and articulate and sweet he is and by how his favorite activity continues to be flinging his body about with what seems to be some kind of bizarre determination to kick me in the face.  Anyway.  Today he asked me what four plus for was, then proceeded to count out eight on his fingers.  He then switched to four plus five and got the answer right again.  This evening he wrote his name on the blackboard with only a bit of coaching about what letter comes next.

Cheese!  Yay for literacy!  And face paint!!

Overall, things are going very well.  We are having a good time.  I'll post a bunch of catch-up posts of pictures that I am still taking off of my phone.

Also this month, Eva ate a banana.

mmmmmm.... sticky.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Here they come... save the day!


 I am not sure it comes through on the video, but both of them were saying "shhhhhhhhooohhhhhhh" the whole time, because obviously that is the sound that flying makes. Also, I don't think Noah really knows how a cape is supposed to look...