So as you may have heard, we got some snow.
It was really quite impressive
I like the sticky snow because it makes everything look so pretty
I'd say we got a total of about 15 inches.
Which is about 12 inches too many for a toddler to really manage. Noah was pretty much confined to the shoveled walks.

This was fine with me, because I didn't have to worry about him running into the street for a change. He'd have to scale a 3 foot snowbank to make it out there.
We recycled his sand pail and shovel for the occasion
In addition to an excellent toddler wrangler, Grammy Sue is an expert shoveler.
But she didn't have to do all of the work by herself

Now if only I could learn to back our car into our (very narrow) driveway in such a way that you can access the doors on BOTH sides, we will be all set!
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