Monday, May 24, 2010

Fresh Air

We enjoyed some beautiful weather this weekend. We started by hanging out at the playground.

Hanging out! Ha HA! Mommy is hilarious! Also, how did Noah become so boy-shaped? Wasn't he baby-shaped the last time I looked?

On Saturday we went to a neighborhood party and Noah got a purple kitty on his hand.

He also got to run around the Mission Hill Art Park, which was lots of fun because there are lots of tiles to step on. Chad got to follow him around the park, which was not so much fun because there were lots of tiles for Noah to possibly crack his head on when he launched himself down the hill...

We checked out the JP tot lot, which is a neat kid's playground with lots of hand-me-down toys to play with

On Sunday we went for a hike in the blue hills reservation.

Daddy did a good job of tiptoeing up and down the giant hills. Intimidating, huh.

The cats remained inside, totally unimpressed with how far Chad carried Noah.

Pretty usual stuff.

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